(no subject)

Apr 10, 2008 12:59

I am at school, and aside from the whole OMG, SO TIRED! thing, I feel pretty good otherwise. Had a small bowl of cereal for breakfast, and a small bowl of potato soup for lunch, and so far my stomach has protested neither. YAY for being over the bug! In fact, I'm still kinda hungry. I might go get a mini sub from Cousins if I have the time before work.

No more classes today - only had Biogeography this morning. But, I've been trying to get a hold of my Statistics professor to see when I can come in to take the exam. No luck so far. Also, did an hour's worth of pollen counting for my Climatology class. I got maybe 30 pollen grains. Either the two levels I'm counting in just have, like, super low pollen content, or I'm just really really crappy at identifying pollen grains. Either one is equally likely at this moment.

Swim lessons tonight. I highly doubt I'll have the energy to swim laps before hand, so if I can't get a hold of my Stats prof in the next hour or so, I'm thinking I might head home and try and rest for an hour or two before heading back up town to the YMCA for work. I'm not sure if it's really worth it, though, because I wouldn't be getting back to the house until, like, 2:15ish, and then I would just have to leave again by 3:20ish. I guess it depends on how tired I get over the course of the next hour. On the plus side, I do only have two swim lessons tonight, so I'll be done by 5:45 instead of 6:30. Small favors and all that.

Also, no official lab tomorrow for Biogeography, so, like, I can sleep in. This is good cause last night I crashed at 9:30 and slept like the dead *only* to have some "unknown number" call my cell phone at 1:30 in the friggin morning. Of course, no one was there when I picked up, and of course I had all sorts of trouble getting back to sleep after that. So not only is Maren recovering from the flu, but she is also running on maybe 5 hours of sleep. These things do not mesh very well.

Alright, back to pollen counting. Posting from website, so I am totally not spell checking.

climatology, swim lessons, statistics, biogeography, tired

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