More Computer Help - Computer Geeks, please take pity on me!

Feb 11, 2008 22:19

Thank you, Kate, for trying to help with the Demon Spawn that is Excel 2007! Granted, we still couldn't find anything wrong, but hey, it's the trying that counts. I'll uninstall and reinstall, so maybe that will help.

And, speaking of Evil Computer Programs (and some Not So Evil, Just Never Used), I want to clean up my hard drive a bit from all the programs I'm not really using. Thing is, I don't know the difference between which programs I need to, you know, keep my computer functioning, and the ones that were automatically installed (or I installed with some gizmo that I never use anymore, like the laser mouse I used all of once when I first got Shadowlite) on the hard drive and are now just taking up space.

One big one in particular is this HP Imaging Device Function 6.1. The thing in the Add/Remove programs says I haven't used it since December 2006, but I never really trust those since it says I haven't used Winamp since I first installed it back in March 2006 when Shadowlite was all shiny and new, which is a big fat lie cause I love Winamp and use it quite often (it also says I never use Microsoft Word, which is an even bigger, fatter lie, because I may kind of worship that program just a wee bit). However, I am also wary about uninstalling HP Imaging Device Function 6.1 because I don't want to uninstall it, only to find out is it a required program necessary to show any kind of image and, since Add/Remove deletes it *completely* from the system, I'd be screwed and have to start all over again and reinstall Windows and lose 2 years of music, pictures, and other files.

There are also a bunch of Java (TM) 6 updates. Now I know that Java is an important internet program, but do I need all four of them (as listed below)?
* J2SE Runtime Environment 5.0 Update 2
* Java (TM) 6 Update 2
* Java (TM) 6 Update 3
* Java (TM) SE Runtime Environment 6 Update 1

What about Microsoft Works? Do I need that if I have Microsoft Office? Or is it one of those Vital Computer Components needed to actually, you know, make the computer *work*?

Those are a few of the big ones on the Add/Remove Programs in the Control Panel. I know it's not *necessary* for me to delete these things, at least not yet, since I still have 14 gigs available on my hard drive, but Excess Clutter kind of annoys me, be it on a computer or in someone's living space (I can live with it - how else would I have survived 23 years living with my parents, who are self-proclaimed Pack Rats - but still... it doesn't mean I like it).

Also, even if I can get rid of just one of the programs mentioned above, I would feel better about installing a big honkin' space-hogger like Microsoft Office 2007 in *full* instead of just one or two programs like I did last time in the hopes that I wouldn't run into the same problem of not being able to "access" the necessary files, which is pretty much what happened with Excel.

So, help me? Pretty please?

question, computer, help me

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