More Excel woes

Feb 11, 2008 18:11

Is *anyone* out there familiar with Excel 2007? You know, the horrible updated Excel that uses *TABS* instead of MENUS because EXCEL MAKING PEOPLE ARE STUPID! ::screams::

No, seriously. I *really* want to scream. If there was an empty field around here somewhere, I *would* be out there screaming right frigging *now* because I am so insanely FRUSTRATED.


Okay, so virtual screams of frustration don't help one iota.

Anyway, back to the point of this entry - Is *anyone* on my friends list or my friends friends list or whoever the fuck you can think of that might offer me assistance familiar with the Excel 2007 layout? Because I cannot for the life of me find out where the hell the Data Analysis option is to make histograms. I follow the directions on the Excel 2007 Help page and I uploaded and installed the Data Analysis Add-on, and I have the little check mark next to it turned on, so it *should* be showing up "in the Analysis group in your Data tab", but IT'S NOT THERE! Fuck it, I can't even see an Analysis group! All I see is Data Tools, but it isn't there, either. Here, I'll give you proof.

*That* ::points up:: is what I see in the Data tab where Excel keeps telling me that the Data Analysis should show up once it's installed. As you can see for yourself, it is not there, and I am on the verge of tearing my hair out in frustration at my inability to *find* the damned thing because that would be the single most commonly used ... whateveryouwannacallit - that we use in my Statistics class. In the older version that actually has, I don't know, MENU OPTIONS, the Data Analysis can be found under the Tools menu. As you can see, I don't have one of those, either. Or a Tools tab.

Oh, god, even thinking about this fucking program is making me want to cry in frustration. Anyone out there, anyone at all, *please*, even if it's a computer geek that I've never even spoken too, help a girl out before she goes on a homicidal rage. ::bangs head against the wall and tries not to cry::


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