(no subject)

Feb 10, 2008 16:50

I hate Excel. I hate the newest model of Excel even more - at least the teacher explained the basics on how to *use* the older version that is available on the computers at school; the new one that I snarched from Dustin (I never installed Excel on Shadowlite before because 1) I had never, ever used it, so I figure why take up the excess space, and 2) did I mention I hate Excel?) looks *completely* different and I can't even figure how where to go to make a damned Histograph (Histogram?)! Spent an hour on that sucker trying to figure out what the hell I was doing for the Statistics assignment I have due tomorrow and only figured out how to sort the data into ascending order. Argh.

So, yes. Despite my intentions, I still haven't accomplished anything yet this weekend homework-wise. I might end up going to school early tomorrow to see if I can figure out what the fuck I'm doing on the school computers, instead. ::grumbles::

complaining, statistics, class bitching, arrgh, computer, uwsp

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