Doctor Who - The Watchmaker

Feb 10, 2008 00:21

The Watchmaker by LizBee. Romana, held prisoner toward the end of the Time War and trying to remember who - and what - she is after it's over when she wakes up on Earth toward the end of the 19th century, though most of the story takes place in 2005. Unsure who she is, where she came from, or why she is drawn to follow all those stories of the mysterious "Doctor", she does her best to blend in, becoming a watchmaker in London.

And that'll be all for tonight. I still have another two or three recs, but my hip is being all distracting and achy (it has been off and on for the last 6 months or there abouts... does this mean I'm getting old?) and all I really want to do is lay down and try and find a comfortable position.

Anyway, for those of you who do the fic thing, enjoy! For those of you who don't, have no fear, because I'm sure the posts will be back to the normal babbley, random, and entirely pointless entries tomorrow. ;)

ETA Feb 2013 - going through some of the links I haven't used in awhile to see if they still work. This one, unfortunately, is one that does not. I'll leave the post here though in case I run across a new link and I can update the entry.

fic recs, doctor who

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