Dec 20, 2007 15:56
That I am totally going to post for December 23 and backdate everything from here on out so it is at the very top of my journal and I can hopefully not forget all the stuff that I need to do in the next TWO WEEKS, OMG, KEEL ME NOW!
Mkay, done freaking now. Until tomorrow morning that is, when my OMG, ONLY TWO WEEKS freak outs tend to happen.
* Thursday, Dec 5 - Finish cartography lab 9 and 10 (seriously, woman! You are a week behind in that class and the and the Cartography Gigantic Final Lab of DOOM will be assigned tomorrow and you still haven't finished last weeks or the lab from the week before that. You suck.) FINISHED! Now all that's left is the Final Lab of Cartography DOOM that we just got assigned today and the final.
* Friday, Dec 6 - Watch and take quizzes on Inconvenient Truth by 11:59 pm Thankfully, he extended the deadline because of trouble accessing the online quiz.
* Tuesday, Dec 11 - GIS final review and guest speaker. ATTEND THIS, BITCH! If you don't get a B on the final, you are so totally screwed and you do NOT want to take GIS over. Really really not. If you end up having to take GIS over, I am going to defy some natural law and split into two people just so I can kill you. Or kill myself. Whatever. Done! And I won a copy of ArcMap (the program we used in our labs) for answering one of the review questions right.
* Wednesday, Dec 12 - Environmental Degradation presentation on Mountain Top Removal Mining, which you (we?) really should start working on sooner rather than later
* Monday, Dec 17 - Environmental Degradation final paper due. Another thing we really should start sooner rather than later PWNED! Started it yesterday afternoon around 4ish, finished the bibliography 10 minutes ago, and I still have two and a half hours to spare. Oh yeah, I rock. Okay, so not really because rocking would consist of *actually starting the paper at a reasonable time* rather than less than 24 hours before it is due, but hey, at least I didn't wait until the wee hours of this morning.
* Tuesday, Dec 18 - CARTOGRAPHY FINAL from 10:15-12:15
- ENVIRONMENTAL GEOGRAPHY FINAL 7:15-9:15 pm (oh, god, what a crappy time. ::headdesks::) DONE! Don't think I did so hot on the Cartography final, but I'm hoping my good lab grades and decent midterm grade can make up for that. I think I PWNED the Environmental final, though, with at least a B+ -knocks on wood-
* Wednesday, Dec 19 - GEOLOGY FINAL 10:15-2:15 Another one I don't think I did so hot on. I *really* hope I can still swing a C in this class now.
* Thursday, Dec 20 - GIS FINAL 8:00-10:00 (ew, another crappy time) I got a 60%, and thats *after* studying until 1:00 this morning *and* having a cheat sheet. She said she was going to curve it, though, so hopefully that will bring me up to at least a 70%. Though at least I can take comfort in the fact that even without the curve, I'd still be getting an 81% over all for the class, so YAY B-!
- Keel Over Dead And Sleep Until New Years 5:00 pm-January 1, 2008
Wow. Finals week is going to suck.
end of semester,
historical geology,
environmental geography,
to do,