In which I bad mouth a beloved dancing penguin movie

Apr 08, 2007 14:46

My brother brought Happy Feet over. Cute movie, albeit extremely corny and - though I know everyone is going to shun me for saying it - I wouldn't pay money to see it. I mean, yay penguins and yay dancing, but... I'm not really feeling the movie love for this one, I don't care how many Emmys it got.

And you know, I'm seriously getting the feeling that the only reason this movie exists is the fact that one day, a bunch of producers and writers and what not were sitting around a table after a fruitless brain storming meeting for new ideas in this day and age when every idea has been used, reused, tied up and beaten to death in an grimy alleyway. Then someone randomly screamed out "I don't know, Dancing Penguins!" as a last-ditch attempt to give them all a way to pay the rent, and after several minutes of uproarious laughter, they decided to make an entire movie out of it. Or maybe it wasn't even after hours of fruitless idea-searching; maybe they all got together, someone suggested Dancing Penguins within the first five minutes, and everyone went "Okay, good plan. Who's up for lunch?"

Right. I'll stop bashing Happy Feet now.

wtf, movies

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