Star Wars!

Feb 23, 2007 17:22

Just got done watching my new Star Wars DVD. *STAR WARS*, the original, 1977 theatrical version in which Han shot first and "A New Hope" has yet to make it into the title and nothing has been digitally remastered. The ORIGINAL, baby! For I am a geek to the very extreme.

Spazz done,

* Holy Cow, Vader is tall. When Leia is standing in front of him when they zap her planet, she only comes up to mid-chest on him.
* Luke, however, is short. Guess he and Leia got Padame's genes when it came to hight.
* In the lightsaber battle between Vader and Obi-Wan, Vader's got the bigger saber. Innuendo much?
* Luke and Han's boots are really shiny at the end ('shiny' seems to be a recurring theme in my Star Wars ramblings. Guess I'm easily distracted by shiny objects.)

On the movie as a whole, I have to say, I'm damned impressed. Considering the computer-enhancing abilities (or lack there of) that they had available to them at the time, Star Wars truly is a work of theatrical art. The *only* reason I noticed any of the tiny little graphical nit-picks (in the space battles/scenes, cosmic objects - stars, planets, ships, etc - the patch of space directly around them is slightly lighter than the surrounding space, and it's pretty obvious at the end during the final battle that the close-up shots of the Death Star are close-ups of plastic models) was because I have been spoiled by 30 years of improvement in computer animation. If I was sitting in a theatre watching this on the big screen back in 1977, I have no doubt what so ever that my eyes would practically be popping out of my head at the quality of the film I was watching. Two words would've been running through my head the entire time: "Friggin' *Amazing*!" - or the equivalent decade-slang there of.

So, yes. George Lucas, you are a genius in theatrical abilities and arts. I bow to your science fiction glory.

I will stop geeking now.

star wars, awesomeness, geek

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