More Due South music

Feb 09, 2007 20:23

By request of icepixie (who we have succeeded in totally addicting to Due South. My work here is done. ;) ), I give you all more Due South music! These are all the rest of the original scores (aka, instrumentals) that can be found on both Due South albums.

Cabin Music (Vol. I)
Flying by Blue Rodeo (Vol. I) - not an instrumental, but it was specifically requested by Becca, and its any awesome song anyway. ;)
Victoria Secret (Vol. I)
Dief's In Love (Vol I)
Eia, Mater (from Stabat Mater) (Vol.I) - Because its choir music sung by what sounds like a gigantic choir.
Western End Of The Trail (Vol. II)
November by Methos (Vol. II) - Not an instrumental, but kinda trans/New Age musicy, and the vocalist has a really pretty voice (she doesn't sing, parsay, but kinda yodles). Basically, it sounds like it belongs in a car commercial.
Sophia's Pipes by Ashley MacIssac (Vol. II) - also instrumental and celtic-ey, despite the fact that it isn't an original score.
Robert Mackenzie by Paul Gross (Vol II) - its the song that was routinely in the background for the episode Mountie on a Bounty. I know Paul Gross and his country-tendencies aren't really you're cup-o-tea, Becca, but this is about as far from Ride Forever as one can get. Think the song "Edmund Fitzgerald" with attitude. ;) Or you can ignore it and download all the rest of them instead. :D

And I think thats about it on the instrumental/original scores (or instrumental-ish in some cases) for the two albums. If anyone wants the rest, ask and yee shall receive for as long as YouSendIt allows me to upload.

music, music spam, due south

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