Due South Music

Feb 09, 2007 18:02

With all the Due South gushing I've done over the last week, I figured I would upload a few of my favorite songs from the soundtrack(s) for the hell of it. Take or leave it as you please. ;)

Due South Theme (with words) by Jay Semko. Its the full theme with singing and everything, which usually shows up in the end credits.
Due South Intro Theme
Horses because it is bouncy and celtic-ey! Or something. Instrumental
Mountie On A Bounty - more bounciness! Also an instrumental
What Do You Do With A Drunken Sailor. No, really.

I think thats enough for now. All files are on YouSendIt, so they'll disappear in a week or there abouts. If you like what you hear, feel free to request more. I have both the Due South Soundtrack albums that are available, because Due South is Love

Also, on an entirely different note... Who would've thought, cats really do always land on their feet, though after a leap like that, I'm kinda surprised the kitty had any feet left (that weren't shattered, at least) to run away in the end.

music, music spam, due south

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