(no subject)

Oct 26, 2006 21:28

Worked from 4 to 6 today, got extremely restless the last half hour or so, to the point where I was prowling back and forth along the edge of the pool. Not just walking, *prowling*. Probably looked a lot like a caged leopard. Or something. Either way, I all but ran out of the place at the end of my shift, and I still felt like I was trapped. Sometimes I don't understand my brain chemicals.

Anyhoo, after sitting a few minutes in the car trying to wind down, I felt better, so I popped on over to that Chinese Buffet (Golden Panda, I think is the name of it) about a block from the Y and got me some take out, because I was craving deep fried bad for you stuff and I'd been meaning to try it since the first week of school when I noticed it. Then I started back to the university, take out in hand. I was about half way there when Brianna called me and asked if I was still going to the lecture on the Halloween blizzard St. Cloud had back in 91. Since I had completely forgotten about it but still wanted to go, I was rather glad she called me, even if it meant I had to prolong my Chinese Grease Fest.

So, I got back to SCSU, dropped of my take out, and wandered on up to the library where the lecture was being held. It was very interesting, though I imagine it would have been more so if I actually remembered the storm in question - me being from Wisconsin, the storm hit us, but we had a warmer mass of air over the top of us, so all we got was rain and a few out of season thunderstorms, the memories of which might even still be in some dusty corner of my brain, but which have yet to surface themselves. In my defence, I was all of 6 at the time. I remember I was a princess for Halloween, but that's about all I remember from that particular Halloween. I'm not even sure I have the right Halloween in mind, either. Guess I'll have to ask my parents about it when I go home next.

Anyway, even if I don't remember the storm in question, the lecture was worth it because one of the guest speakers was totally adorable. The "ooh, cute boy" kinda adorable, not some cute chubby cherub type, but I still say he was adorable rather than cute. Aaaaanyway, Brianna and I spent several minutes whispering between ourselves, wondering if he was available or not. And, you know, bonus lecture on one hell of a snow storm. Cute boys and weird weather - yeah, I don't think it would be possible to find a situation I would have enjoyed being in more. Well, perhaps if it was about a storm I actually remembered, but still... Very good night for Maren. Even with the "Omigod, WEIRD RESTLESS ANXIOUS FEELING!" at work.

lifeguarding, weather, meteorology, school, work, lecture, day summary

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