(no subject)

Oct 18, 2006 23:18

I just got back from the second half of a lecture by Christopher Moon, paranormal investigator and editor of Haunted Times. And I gotta admit, some of the pictures he showed us and the EVPs he played were downright creepy (something, some *invisible* thing, scratching the word GO into some poor guys arm **right in front of the frigging camera!** Except, these guys don't have the Power of Hollywood at their fingertips, just regular digital cameras and sensitive microphones. Supposedly the video is on their website somewhere, but I haven't been able to find it as of yet. Otherwise, it was lots of questionable orbs, so I was kinda "Um, yeah, could easily be dust, pal", but the scratching hard enough to draw blood got my attention). It was like Ghost Hunters, only in power-point form. I still like Jason and Grant with their TAPS team better, but still. I was impressed, and I only caught the last hour or so of it. Apparently there's some raffle going on in which 15 people have a chance to go on a ghost hunt with him later tonight. I didn't sign up, but I just found out earlier today that there are at least two possible hauntings here on campus. One in Sherburn? Hall, and another in the tunnel system under the campus. Whether its true or not, I still find the idea kinda cool.

Also, I might just have to get myself a subscription to that magazine. Cause I'm a geek like that.

ghosts, paranormal

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