::points at music::
::jumps up and down and squeals::
Wheee! My Due South CD came in! I am listening to the original score of Horses from one of those episodes way back in early first season! This makes me far happier than it really should. Wheee!
::spazzes all over the place::
And whee! Excuse to use my Diefenbaker icon!
Also, my gramma handed me a check for a bunch of money when we went to visit her this afternoon. Which means I can now afford to get a lap top. YAY! I'll even be using it for educational purposes as she instructed so I can buy it guilt free! (I was going to buy one anyway for just that reason: I'm gonna be wandering off to a college that is a bit more than 20 minutes away from home in the fall, so a new computer would have come in right handy. No more Windows 98! YAY!) So, if you haven't already, please go and take a second or two to give me a hand and fill out the
computer poll I posted a few weeks ago. Seriously, I could use all the help I could get. (Brian, you're something of a computer wiz, no? Help a girl out? Or Eric... Eric, you know computers a bit, yes? ::looks all cute and adorable and helpable:: )
(oh, yeah, and speaking of polls, my
pic spam post is still open if anyone wants to make requests. Whee, pic spams!)
The extra money also means that I can wander off to Amazon.com and buy me an MP3 player right now without feeling guilty about it. Or, well, at least not as guilty as I woulda had I spent 40 bucks on books and music not more than two weeks ago and then went off and spent another 80 on an MP3 player all within one month. My gramma is far too nice for her own good, and damn near impossible *not* to accept money from one she has it in her mind to give it to you, but I admit that what she gave me will come in handy. Thank you, Gramma! I love you! {{{lots of hugs and kisses}}}
And now it's Ride Forever! I LOVE THIS SERIES!
::sings:: We're gonna riiiiiiiiiiiiiide Forever! Can't keep horsemen in a cage... ::continues singing at the top of her lungs::