(no subject)

Feb 28, 2006 14:36

I am very very tired. Oh how I loath those damn AirDyne bikes. The harder you pedal, the more resistance it gives you, and unfortunatly Harrington is giving all of his bike tests on them, where he wants you to keep a steady pace of 60 rpms (about level 3, so it pretty much feels like I'm constantly biking up about a 30 degree incline) for the entire 12 minutes, even going so far as to try and push you up to 70 rpm for the last minute or two of the work out. So, today I spent 20 minutes on one of the damn things in a desperate effort to, like, get myself in shape for the next test. I only managed to keep it at 60 rpms for about 4 minutes before I totally deflated (seriously, those suckers are *hard*. I can bike at level 8 with the Hills Plus program on the regular exercise bikes, which randomly increases and decreases the resistance on the pedals to represent going up and down hills, but damned if I can't keep a steady 60 rpm pace on those AirDynes for only *12 minutes*!) I managed to keep it at an average of 50 to 55 rpms after that, but my legs very much did not like me by the end of those very very long 20 minutes.
So, yes, I am tired and I want to go home and take a nice long nap. Unfortunatly, I have class at 3:30 and then I have a math test to study for tomorrow. A math test I *could* be studying for right now, but I am tired and really don't feel much like expending the effort it would take to Think about Math for the nest half hour or there abouts. So, instead I am bumming around online and pondering crashing on one of the nice, comfy looking couches in the school library until 3:30 rolls around. ::yawns:: ::needs a sleepy icon::

Did I mention how I hate AirDyne bikes?

ugh, ow, phy ed, tired, math 110

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