(no subject)

Feb 06, 2006 22:34

I have a paper due for Philosophy tomorrow. I still have not started. And the worst of it? It only has to be two pages long, yet I am drawing a complete blank on how the hell to write the damn thing.

I have to explain one of the reasons why people believe God exists. And then I have to compare that explanation to Charles Pierce's 4 methods of fixing belief. And I got nothing. ::headdesks some more:: (you know, I really need a *headdesk* icon considering how much I've used the term these last few days.)

So, instead, I create pointless polls. YAY pointless polls! Especially ones that have probably already popped up all over Live Journal Land.

Poll Best Superbowl Commercial Poll

Right then, I suppose I should go try and tackle that paper now. ::sighs::

homework, poll, ugh, philosophy, superbowl, paper

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