(no subject)

Jan 25, 2006 12:56

As much as I despise the fact that my Meteorology class is online rather than long distance or on campus, I have to admit that the class itself is pretty interesting. I read the first chapter of the book (which I just got last night) this morning between my first and second class, and ::shock:: I actually rather enjoyed it. So, YAY for pretty pictures and interesting information.

In other news, Kathy (choir director/teacher) managed to beg me into taking her Jazz band class as well, so now I have another music class from 3 to 3:50 on top of the choir class I already have from 12 until 12:50. At least that gives me something to do on Wednesday and Friday afternoons. Too bad it's going to take a huge chunk out of the hours I have available for work, though.

meteorology, choir, jazz

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