Quote List, pt 10

Jan 01, 2006 15:21

"Those who don't believe in magic will never find it."
~ Roald Dahl

"I think that the person that invented pantyhose should be brought up on charges of cruelty, sadism and reckless endangerment."
~ Frasier, Due South

"Forget the Fat Lady... You're obsessed with the Fat Lady! Drive us out of here!!!"
~ David Levinson, Independence Day

"Life's a gift. Nothing is worth missing out on it.
~ Jarod, The Pretender

"I've never seen you leave your computer before."
"I thought I'd get some air. Find out what's happening in the world. Is Nixon still president?"
~ Strenlich and Kermit, Kung Fu: the Legend Continues

"I think that I need to believe that it works - love, couplehood, partnerships. The idea that when people come together, they stay together. I have to take that with me to bed each night, even if I'm going to bed alone."
~ Ally McBeal

"Pity is an emotion that can get you killed. The only thing more dangerous is blind hate, and maybe love."
~ Guilty Pleasure, Laurell K. Hamilton

"In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on."
~ Robert Frost

"Everyone needs heroes. Heroes are the ones that will go up against the odds, knowing that they fight in vain and knowing that there is no such thing as a blaze of glory, but one of the differences between them and the rest of us is that they go anyway."
~ Sainan no Kekka, Quicksilver and Gerald Tarrant

"I gotta stop pointing guns at people..."
~ John, Farscape

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