ScaperCon Pics!

Aug 10, 2005 18:39

Yuppers, it's that time of year again! Okay, so that time of year was about two weeks ago, but I'm gonna borrow that spiffy time machine on loan to the Shippers List and Woosh, Woosh! It's the last weekend in July again! ;)

Aaaah, yes, the infamous Slap Ben's Ass game. Did anyone *not* get a picture of this thing? ;)

Kitty pile in the hotel lobby! With Jodie peeking out in back, Dawn, me, Krissy, and Talia in the middle-ish, and Dani and Vaidah sprawled kinda to the front and side.

Drunken Pixies(?) Dawn and Melody playing in Talia's weird Lord of the Rings story/game/whatever it was. If you think Dawn looks drunk, well, that's probably because she is. ;)

Group Hug! Me, Talia, Jodie, and Dawn. And despite how it may appear, I am actually *not* drunk, the camera just doesn't seem to like me most of the time.

This is Talia attempting to stick her foot all the way up Jodie's pants leg. Because she could. Or something. ;)

Jodie, Talia, and Dawn snuggle. You guys are sooooooo cuuuute!

GROPE! Notice the position of Talia's hands on Jodie's chest? You see this occurrence in at least 50 percent of the pictures Vaidah posted, too. ScaperCon '03 - Wronger that EVER (I think?)... Also known as Grope Fest 2K3. ;)

Orgy in room 417! Okay, so I honestly can't remember what our room number was, but I'm pretty sure it was 4-something. Only thing anyone really cared about anyway was the fact that we had a queen sized bed. ;)
Left to right: Jodie, Krissy, Melody, Vaidah, John, Shamu, and Talia, with Eric's stomach and hands down on the bottom there. At least I think it was Eric... Coulda been Emily, too, or that dude who no one knew but who ended up attaching himself to our group for some reason... though it does look like whoever it is might have boobs, so ::shrugs:: your guess is as good as mine.
Anyhoo, at one point we had like 12 people on the bed, so you can imagine that things were a bit foggy. ;)

Footsies! In 2001, they played "NAME THAT ASS!" In 2003, you can play GUESS THOSE FEETSIES!

On a totally different note, Nine has had her bath! Woot, go me! I did it all by myself, too! So, now we have a wet Niner, who, despite all probabilities, still manages to look cute even when she looks something like a drown rat. She didn't even run and hide from me afterwards like she has done in the past! And now she's *clean* and smells a bit fresher, so is all good. ;)

pic spam, scaper pics, niner, scapercon

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