(no subject)

Apr 13, 2005 21:28

Revelations was... I can't think of any other word for it, and this one is woefully inadequate, but forgive me as I flash back to my childhood in the 80s and proclaim that Revelations? Is heavy... As in "What the fuck is going on here?" and "It's already over? Are you kidding me?!" It was the quickest, most confusing hour of television I've ever watched - quick in that "It's over? But... didn't it just start?!" fast-paced-yet-not-seeming-like-it-should-be kinda way, and confusing in that if you miss two minutes to go pee or get a drink of water or something like that, you come back and have no idea what's going on... It's worse than Farscape was in this aspect, people! Yet you wanna keep watching in hopes that find out what happens.

It was... very good, and I plan on watching it again next week (and, as always, my unending adoration for Bill Pullman remains cause, wow, why has he not been nominated for an Emmy yet?). It didn't shove religion down the throat quite as much as I had feared (while there is still a bit of shoving; however, it's kinda evened out with the fact that Bill Pullman's character is basically and atheists. Or at least that's how he started off. Now I'm not sure what he thinks.

But, still, I think it's a good series (if you don't mind the whole Christian aspect of it). I just... have a feeling my brain will have to shut down and reboot/reprocess the information for a few hours after every viewing. Which is fine, cause I never do my homework anyway when there is Prime TIme to watch. :)

revelations, pullman, woah

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