(no subject)

Apr 12, 2005 22:20

So, I now have Yahoo messenger. Downloaded it to do a search on this nasty guy Chi chianagirl directed us to on her LJ so I could see if I could find his profile and insult him like he insulted a friend of hers for her looks, but alas, I could not find a profile that matched the e-mail she gave (I wanted to insult him with minimum chance of him being able to respond at an account I use regularly, especially since the stupid hotmail people took the "block" button out of their e-mail service for some reason and the Junk mail button doesn't work near as well). Also pondered the idea of posting my own profile with picture to rub in his face when I use and insult like "I'd take her over you any day" in aforementioned e-mail, (to which he would likely respond "Yeah, I bet that's because you're just as much of a cow as she is," to which I would gleefully respond "Are you kidding? I'm a fucking bombshell," at which point I would direct him to one of my hottie pictures that hasn't failed to cause droolage yet, both male and female... ;) ) but I decided it wasn't worth the trolls that would likely pop up looking for cyber sex thereafter.

So, yeah, I have Yahoo Messenger. And I suppose that means yahoo e-mail too. Anyway, my user name is the same as the one I use on AOL Instant Messenger. Probably won't be on, much (as in, almost never), but feel free to add me if you want.

Also, my favorite character meme is only 30% guessed. You all should go fix that. Come on, people, remember back to the good old days of the Farscape Shippers List and the Maren's Closet story I posted a month or two ago, and the Farscape, Witchblade, and Joan of Arcadia characters should be a piece of cake considering how much I talked about them! You all have no excuse... :p Unless, of course, you don't read my journal at all, and come on, do you really wanna admit to that? ;D Also, people! You get two freebies! What more could you ask for! :D

Okies, will shut up now.


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