(no subject)

Oct 08, 2004 13:29

Haven't read my friends list in a month. Bad me. But you all would tell me if something important happened, right?

Am still on my writing kick and have five new pages of material because of it. Am kinda stuck at the moment cause the scene I had been working up to has now been done, and I haven't figured out what to do next yet. Hopefully that will work itself out eventually, though.

Have to work tonight 6:30 until 8:45, which means I'm gonna miss Joan of Arcadia. ::pouts:: Must ask parents to record it for me. Hopefully I'll be able to get home before 9, though, cause the Stargate Atlantis on tonight is one I missed the first time around, and I heard it was a really good one. Also have to work tomorrow from 12 until 2:30, which is the shift when the water slides are open, which kinda sucks, but hey, it's money, which I sorely need at the moment, so I really can't complain. Granted, that won't *stop* me from complaining, but that's a whole 'nother subject. :D

powers that be, lifeguarding, writing, sga, work

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