(no subject)

Sep 26, 2004 09:57

Meah... Got 62% on my psych test. Which is about what I expected, considering I had only studied the first two chapters when the test was on the first three (which, alas, I didn't figure out until I was sitting there taking the test.) And the best part? The third chapter that I didn't study was the one on the nervous system and the brain and what parts of the brain where emotions were felt and what part of the brain was in charge of motor functions and what areas controlled all the senses and all that fun stuff, with weird names that I would have trouble remembering even if I *had* studied. So, yeah, that sucked. I'll just have to work my butt off to get my grade back up, I suppose. Maybe I can pull another physics miracle like I did last semester. :)

In other news, still haven't read friends list. In a long time. So, feel free to plug anything posted that you think I might be interested in in comments, and I'll toddle off to go read it.

test, psychology, lj

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