Joan of Arcadia premier

Sep 24, 2004 20:22

Hey, Joan? Hair pretty, bangs bad. Lose the bangs. They make it look like you have no forehead.

Wheeee, Adam has his names in the credits finally! Fuck yeah! {{{hugs her Adam}}}

Hee! Grace and Luke are such a cute couple... "What, are you ashamed of me?!"

A surfing nun... Well, I suppose it's better then the whole Flying Nun thing they had back in the 60s?

Am really liking the music in this episode. And smacking Freedman around looks like fun. :)

Woah, that's a lotta lamps. And Grace is always fun! "I was never here."

And we're back to the angst... Damn, this show mixes the happy and the heart wrenching way too well.

Aaaand next week looks even heavier on the angst. Dammit, I think I must be a masachoist with all these shows I watch.

And dude, again with the bangs on JAG! Are bangs coming back in style or something? Cause seriously, it seems like their popping up everywhere in all their horrid glory...

joan of arcadia, jag, spoilers

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