Quiz Spam!

Aug 27, 2004 23:34

A rather large spam as it's

Quiz results
(the one’s I actually liked)

WARNINGrensong is radioactive. Wear protective clothing at all times.
From Go-Quiz.com

Heh... ‘protective clothing’ - I am so porning that

You are an Elementalist. Your magic stems from the
forces of nature. You might be a forest
nuturing Druid, a storm-creating Weather-Wizard
or any of the many Elementals, but one thing is
sure-- your bond with nature is strong. You can
rely heavily on nature to support yourself
aesthetically or physically for it lends you
both comfort and strength. Your instincts
rarely fail you. You are vibrantly passionate
but are sometimes carried away by your own

Which Magical Order Are You In?
brought to you by Quizilla

Ooo, cool. I’ll have to be sure to try that whole creating storms thing one of these days. :)

You're chocolate. You're the old soul type, people
feel that they have known you their entire
life. Many often open up to you for they view
you as thoughtful and trustworthy. Although
people trust you, you have a hard time trusting
them. You prefer to keep your feelings bottled
up inside, or display them very quietly. It is
alright to open up every once in a while.

Which kind of candy are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

That’s pretty much me, yeah. And YAY, I’m chocolate! ::goes to get a mini Hershy’s from the kitchen::

...and which lesser Harry Potter character are you?

I think I might have posted this one already, but YAY Dean! (though if I have, I think I got Bill Weasley last time)

LJ Stalker Finder
From Go-Quiz.com

::snort:: Eric is my stalker... Shouldn’t you be stalking Jodie, hon? :D As for the bowling thing, I think my high score is all of 150, so I guess you are deluded. ;)

I think I might have taken this one already, buuuut...

be sorted @ nimbo.net
Congratulations on making Gryffindor!
Basically, you're brave, daring, chivalrous, and pretty much.. an all around good person. Of course, some see you as a goodie-two-shoes. But hey, it's true! You're really good at winning, and normally always come out as the hero. Everybody likes you.. except, maybe, the Slytherins. You're too perfect. No, really.. You're too perfect. It's annoying to watch you win, repeatedly. Oh well. Be proud anyway.

Gryffindors to Remember:
Harry Potter (the boy who lived..)
Ron Weasley (red hair, vacant expression.. we love weasleys!)
The whole damn Weasley family! (stop mating, already!!!)
Hermione Granger (you annoy me.. you know too much)
Albus Dumbledore (yeah yeah.. we all know this)

Yeah... big surprise there. (and yes, all of it is true... damn me and my goodie-two-shoesness ::sighs::)

discover your inner candy heart @ quiz me

not so much with the thinking Valentine’s day is cool, but hey, whatever...

Congratulations! You're a Bunny Hug!!

What Drink Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla


Vaidah, I reeeeeally hope your invisible friend isn’t George W. Bush... ;)

My japanese name is 山下 Yamashita (under the mountain) 歩 Ayumi (walk, deeper meaning: walk your own way).
Take your real japanese name generator! today!
Created with Rum and Monkey's Name Generator Generator.

Now that’s rather cool. And quite pretty. Go me!

rensong HighwayStudy Hall4Lake Love15Loony-Bin Lane38Confusion Lane115Bog of Eternal Marriage213Please Drive CarefullyWhere are you on the highway of life?

From Go-Quiz.com

Yup, that’s pretty much me... except for the study hall and, alas, the Lake Love (though sometimes I reeeeally wish the latter was within my reach. I could use someone to jump once a month or there abouts.)

No complaints there. Nope nope, none at all. :D

lololol! Nick as Darth Helmet... so perfect! And I think Dani is quite well cast, too. :D

The most amusing thing about this? My trusted second and my arch enemy are the same person. Karen, what are you planning to do? Gain my trust and then abuse it?! How could you be so cruel!? Well done. ;)

Dunno if I’m grouchy enough to be a Klingon, but as long as I’m not singing drunkenly in my head, I’m not complaining. (story: once upon a time I had Star Trekking in my head. Only it was being sung by drunken Klingons because I also had a headache. Aka, you probably don’t wanna know. :) )

20 Questions to Being a Better Person
Your score as a human being is 79.05.
Middle of the road, eh? Does that mean you're yellow? Yellow as a salamander frying on blacktop? Yellow as a urinal cake? Yellow as a delicious marshmallow Peep? Mmmm. Peep. Sometimes I think if it weren't for Just Born candy, I would just expel my life force and expire. Hot Tamales. Mike and Ikes.

But I digress.

Nicely done. You are robustly average, and I approve of it.

Thats what I got the first time. At least it was 79.something. I took it again to find out what the something was (the 79 was from memory as I accidently cut off the actual score when I copied it from the website), and with what I thought were the same answers, this is what I got:
Your score as a human being is 86.15.

You are close to ideal. So close, and yet so far. Amusing, really, to watch someone squirm so close to the vaunted ranks of perfection and still remain so very, very ordinary. It is all one can do to keep one's ingratiating smile from polluting one's perfect face.

Actually, one recommends you take the quiz again and lie a little.

I went from Average to Close to Ideal. Not sure how I managed that one.

This is the one I actually got:

You're Kansas!

You like big sunflowers, wide open spaces, and your little dog too.
Whether in black and white or in color, you take life a little slower than the rest of
the world, and that works just fine. You get up early, go to bed early, and would
really prefer it if the Late Show were on at about 6:30 in the evening. Just when you
think that this all makes life a little boring, houses might start falling from the

Take the State Quiz
at the Blue Pyramid.

Getting closer:

You're Minnesota!

You love hanging out around lakes, even if they're frozen solid. Given
your probable Scandanavian heritage, it all just demonstrates that you're pining for the
fjords. Your obsession with wrestling got a little carried away for a while there, and
this should prompt some serious reflection about the separation of mind and body. It may
be time to celebrate, even throw your hat up in the air. You're going to make it after

Take the State Quiz
at the Blue Pyramid.

Come on, almost there:

You're Michigan!

You really love cars. In spite of their environmental hazards, the value
of public transportation, and their total lack of safety, you want nothing more than to
spend time in and around cars. This has brought you to the brink of financial ruin and
total despair, but the joy of the cars still outweighs your difficulties. Would it really
kill you to use less gasoline? You are a truly incredible singer.

Take the State Quiz
at the Blue Pyramid.

Here we go!

You're Wisconsin!

You are perhaps the cheesiest person alive. You like '80's music, posing
for photographs, fastballs, cartoon cheetahs, and real mice. You want to have a cow,
man. You have been known to do the Forrest Gump shrimp routine with the word "cheese"
replacing "shrimp". Once in a while, beer will supplement your diet of unending cheese.
Deep down, though, you'd prefer to drink fermented cheese.

Take the State Quiz
at the Blue Pyramid.

Yup, that’s pretty much true. Well, except for the fermented cheese bit. Cause...ew. Though, really, some of the answers it took to get here were very unWisconsin-esque. Spacifically the one where I had to say I liked the government. We pretty much hate the government. We have to be blackmailed into signing new laws into place (like... highering the gambling age to 21 and lowering the driving-while-intoxicated thingy from 1.0 to .8, to name a few). Government baaaaaad. At least if it isn’t our own. :)

of them.

Wasn't that fun? :)

quiz spam

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