Aug 02, 2004 10:37
Dammit! I only got the new episode of Stargate from the 23rd because I set the VCR to record at 7 instead of 8, so I missed Atlantis. ::cries::
Ya know, Sci Fi should really put some sort of breaker between the oldish episodes of Stargate they show on Fridays and the new episodes of Stargate they show right after, because then at least I would know what Stargate to look for without having to wait 5 minutes to get the info on it cause our satellite is so outdated...
And holy shit has it gotten dark outside in the has half hour or so... I got up at 9:30 and it was sunny, now it's so dark outside that you need a light on inside to see anything clearly.
Aaaaand there goes the wind... I think I'm gonna go shut windows before I find myself mopping up the floor. (but YAY thunderstorms!)