Alias ramblings

Apr 18, 2004 21:35

- Dude, Yes! David Carradine Kung-Fu-ing Sark's ass!
- More Kung-Fu! Go Cain! ::happy spazz::
- ::cries:: They shot Cain!
- Syd has a sister - big surprise there (though I admit to being kinda spoiled on that bit... How could Irina sink so low?!)
- ::cries:: Nooooo!!! Cain is like the untouchable Kung-Fu master priest! He can't die! (yes, I was and still am a huge Kung Fu and Kung Fu the Legend continues geek and yes, I have see every episode of Legend Continues at least three times, and yes, David Carradine/Cain rocks my socks (no, not like that, you perves)... Is it that obvious?)
- Ick... I mean, I knew it was Slone, but still... Ick. xp
- YAY! David again! Even if it is a flashback... ::misses Kung Fu::
- ::snort:: Marshal has to act normal... is that even possible?
- Pretty writing (on the code key)
- Dammit! Stupid severe weather alert! (which cut in right after Vaughn said "You know what I want?" while in the surveillance truck with Sydney and cut back out when we were already into the commercial break... So *what* if a huge line of really severe t-storms are plowing their way across most of Minnesota, Iowa, and Wisconsin, gimme my Alias!)
- It looks like the traitor life pays well - Lauren and her mum have a *really* nice house
- Eeeeewww... I would not want to have to hear that... Poor Syd and Marshal

*Commercial break - That new Van Helsing movie (only spelled right) with Hugh is it? looks kinda cool
* Random note - wow is it muggy in here... You'd *think* with all this moisture in the air and the threat of looming tornadic thunderstorms like 5 counties away, we would get some freakin *rain*! ::grumbles about Mother Nature and the moderate drought that Wisconsin is still in)

- My parents are hypothesizing that Lauren is Sydney's sister... I don't think I agree with them on that thought, but hey, anything is possible I guess.
- Yeah... like he didn't already know he only has a half an hour to live... ::sarcasm::
- They should have the Death March playing... Would make this scene more interesting/amusing. Or at least snark-able. :)
- OO! Syd with guns! And cool background music.
- Bye bye Slone...
- And he lives! Again... Really can't say I'm surprised, even if I wasn't spoiled on that.

Over all reaction? This episode kicked ass - Cause David Carradine was in it. :) Even if it was a small part that lasted all of 5 minutes, that totally made my day. That man rocks. The only reason I really want to see this Kill Bill vol 2 is cause he's in it; screw volume 1, I wanna see vol 2!
And, Sydney with guns was also a high point... Must love Sydney with guns... ::nods nods::

raaaaaain, storm, kung fu, alias, david carradine, spoilers

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