(no subject)

Dec 20, 2003 08:36

Woah, this is weird. For the first time in a long time no one in the house has anything to run off and do today. There isn't a gymnastics meet mom has to deal with, there aren't any appointments dad has to go to, and I don't even have any homework to stress to get done before Monday... it's 8:25 in the morning and I've been up for 15 minutes already, *voluntarily* and I'm wide awake! And this is after going to bed at 1:00 this morning for the first time since August! Mom was just stumbling out of bed as I was coming down from my room, and she's usually up by 7 already... it just feels... weird. In a good way, of course, but still... weird. We have an entire Saturday to ourselves, and that... hasn't happened in awhile.

Granted, this means that I'm probably gonna spend most of the day helping Mom clean the house, but hey... It's not like I have anything better to do. We're also gonna try and decorate the tree today, so that'll be fun... if we can find the tree decorations, that is. It has been three years or more since we used them. :)

But, first off, I am gonna go find something to eat that's hopefully not cold pizza.

I also need a beta, and no one is online for me to pester about becoming one at the moment. Anyone interested?

wow, christmas, home, holiday, break, family

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