today's recap

Dec 19, 2003 21:03

5:30-6:00 ish - wake up, as always, cause my cursed brain is still on automatic from grade school and middle school days when the bus got here at 6:45 and we had to be ready to catch it.

7:00 am - groggy-eyed and weary-tailed, I finally drag my ass out of bed to do the morning routine of bathroom, teeth, face, dress

7:20/7:30 - stuff my bag into the car and mom and I are off to Marshfield, me for test, her to do a little last-minute shopping/gathering for the gymnastics party she's throwing for her team this afternoon

7:55 - dropped off at school, stumble into the classroom to take my math final

9:45 - finish test, go to the commens to sell back the few books I have left - namely, algebra and geography, both of which were still in relatively good shape and had their CDs yet unopened with them... 45 bucks each, woo!

9:50ish to 10:30ish - sit in the commens reading and listening to music... SEMESTER IS FINISHED

10:35 - mom walks in to retrieve me just as I'm getting to the good part in my book... figures.

10:45ish - pull into the Y - Mom has a brunch she's been invited to there with some of the AF-YAP or however it's spelled people she works with (program for the arthritic she 'teaches' sometimes). I walk down to Target (and yes, it was cold... thankfully it's a short walk) and get presents for mom (cozy slippers), dad (Best of Sheryl Crow CD), Emma (not telling, incase she actually gets the chance to read this. ;) ), and my brother Gus (totally useless except to look pretty Fiber Optic Bonsi... I couldn't help it, I saw that and it was like someone screamed GUS! in my head), as well as a nice soft and fuzzy black scarf (with frillies on the end! YAY!) and a pair of black mittens (they were on sale, and sometimes gloves just aren't warm enough) for myself. I was also happy to discover that I still had 10 dollars on the Target gift card my other brother Ben gave me for Christmas last year, which is why I let myself splurge on the scarf, which I kinda got to replace the *other* one I just got a few weeks ago. I lost that one, but this one is much nicer anyways. :)

11:50 - shopping done, head to the little restaurant there at Target for some lunch. Chicken casideas (only spelled right), cream of broccoli soup, and a lime Icee, and wait for my mom to pick me up around 12:30/1:00

12:45 - still waiting

1:15 - still waiting

1:17 - get tired of waiting, don my fuzzy new scarf and pull up my hood and start walking back to the Y. This walk is much nicer cause the sun has decided to come out and the skys are pretty and blue, so despite it being a little windy, my black jacket is quite a good absorber of heat. :)

1:25 - dump my bags in the car, put the book I had been reading in my pocket (YAY! big jacket pockets!) and walk into the Y to find mother sitting in the lobby filling out her deposit slip (YAY pay day! Even if I did have all of 17 dollars and 32 cents on mine) and just about ready to pack up and come pick me up at Target... Needless to say, the latter was no longer necessary

1:30-2:00 ish - go through the drive through at mom's bank, then head across the street to the grocery store where my bank has a mini set up so I can deposit my own meager pay check plus 60 bucks of the money I got back for my books (all together it was about 100-110 dollars, compared to the 240 or there abouts I paid for all of them... ::sighs:: But, at least it gave me enough for Christmas presents, with about 75 left to spair, so you take what you can get I guess). Then we spend 15-20 minutes at the Dollar Store so mom can get plates and napkins and such for her party. I got some thigh high black panty hose, cause I was tired to having to practically tear the normal ones off even on the rare occasions where I wore them just so I could pee. I also got a new scissors, cause sharp scissors are always nice to have. And hey, ya can't beat getting em for a dollar. :)

2:00-2:40ish - Mom and I head back to the Y to wrap prize presents for her party

2:45 - she heads out, I plop down in the lobby to get in another half hour or so of reading before Erik's guard shift starts, for which I am subbing in.

3:15/3:20 - head down to the locker room to change

3:30 - get on deck, wait for a bit and read an e-mail our boss got about a drowning at another Y that he left down there for us... (guess he was trying to scare us into behaving and being professional or something ), and then discuss with Jeanie a little over who's gonna take which pool. I get the small one and all of one person in it and proceed to be rather bored.

3:30-5:30 - all in out, an utterly uneventful shift... Unless you count me getting splashed several times by the swim team kids as they swam by while I was up in the high chair an event worth mentioning.

5:30 - shift done, get dressed, go upstairs for more reading. Finish "Owl Sight" by Mercedes Lackey and Larry Dixion (and it's just as good the second time around), and catch the first half hour or so of Toy Story 2 on the big screen TV they have up in the lobby.

6:30-ish - Mom's gymnastics party ends and she's finally able to come get me. She says the party went really well, and she has all kinds of left over pizza for us to eat... so, YAY food!

7:05 or there abouts - home again home again, with more than of month of freedom and boredom a head of me... HELL YEAH!

Now it's 8:47 and I'm watching JAG, which is the Christmas one from last year... Utterly corny, but so fecking funny! A remake of the Christ Child story JAG style... dude, very amusing. :)

Also? My back pack is so very much lighter now that I no longer have all those books to lug around.

And, since I started this at like 7:30, I'm gonna shut up now.

end of semester, lifeguarding, christmas, yay, shopping, day summary, break

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