random LJ questionnaire thingy answers

Sep 14, 2003 17:52

Ah... Nothing like 4+ hours of homework to make a girl's fine Sunday afternoon... ::sarcasm:: My wrist *and* arm hurt from writing so frickin much. But, for the most part I'm done. I got one of my chapter summary thingies done for History, and am better then halfway through (at least I hope it's better then halfway) reading the second chapter. I figure he'll give us some leeway on that assignment seeing as a good chunk of the kids don't have their books yet anyways. I also finished all my Algebra, and all I have left to do is my Geo lab, which I hopefully can get done tomorrow morning before class starts, and my English, which technically isn't due until Tuesday. Still plan on working on at least *some* of that, since it's probably gonna take forever to finish. So, go me for putting in a good day's work, no? :)

Aaand, as for the answers to those questions ya'll asked me in that LJ questioner thingy, here they be! :)

chianagirl - "do you like poodles? ^-^ (not the fluffy pink yippy kind. the curly squat ones that don't have their legs shaved xD)"

I love pretty much any kinda doggie, even if they are shaved and yappy (though my love of those generally only last as long as it takes for me to get pissed at their annoyingness), but I love the non-shaves curly natural kind who were bread to be kick ass hunting/fishing dogs. They huggable and loveable and so *cute!* I mean, way cuter then the bare-assed shaved ones with a bow in their hair. :) So, yes, I do like poodles. :)

edenadvance - "Want to go to the movies with me?"

Yes! I would love to go to the movies with you! Sadly, however, there's that whole annoying puddle called the Atlantic Ocean in the way... ::sighs:: {{{hugs the Leo}}}

lostnyanko - "Uhh... Cheese?"

"Oh, the power of cheese..." ;)
Speaking of which ::goes to get some to munch on with her pretzels::

alorarose - "How many blades of grass are on your entire property?"

612,807, give or take a couple hundred thousand... ;)
That was a random guess. Feel free to come over anytime to count em for me, though! :D

weyoun21 - "Do you enjoy school?"

Yes, actually, I can honestly say I enjoy school quite a lot, surprising as that might be. It's the homework part that I totally hate... :) ::snugglehugs the Ver back::

And, I do believe that is all, and I am off to try and read skim my friends. Ta!

::snort why does this not surprise me?

question, english, homework, history, geography

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