(no subject)

Aug 14, 2003 18:24

The major black-out all over the north-eastern part of the country is all over the news. I always figured the human race was starting to depend on electricity too much... Not that the thought has stopped myself from taking shameless advantage of it. :) Still kinda shocking to see it all put into motion, though... {{{{{{{{{{{Biiiiig huuuuuuugs}}}}}}}}} to all those involved, even though you probably won't be able to read this until everything gets back online, which I hope happens soon for all ya'll. But, hey, at least it means I have a few less people spamming my Friends list. ;D
So instead, I'm spamming everyone elses! Sorry bout that. :) But Maren booooored... I've been reading for the past two hours, and I love the series I *am* reading (the Immortals 4-book series by Tamora Pierce), but all 4 of em are incredibly quick reads and I'm trying to moderate my reading so I don't eat em up too fast and end up border then I was before... It's ain't working too well... :D

Aaand, here ends this session of spam... ::cheesy sales man voice:: Stay tuned for *more* LJ spammage coming up after these messages! (okay, so I honestly don't know when I'll get the urge to spam some more. ;D

tamora pierce, news, reading, bored, spam

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