(no subject)

Aug 14, 2003 14:25

HAPPY, though slightly belated, BIRTHDAY VAIDAH!!! alorarose

Iiiiiiin other news, I have spent the entire day so far watching the Roswell marathon of Sci Fi.... YAY ROSWELL! Even bigger YAY for A WHOLE FIVE HOURS OF IT! :)

Also, Kimberley spockette has been having fun with my LJ layout... So far it's a simple black and grey (with maybe a tint of lilac purple?) So, if you all wanna see go look now before she gets her hands on it again tomorrw, I'd say go look now. :) (oh, and emma? you can still mess with it too if you want, but I'll let kim finish first since she actually knows how to *use* Live Journal :) And I still say you need to get one... :p )

And, um... well, there really isn't anything else...


okay, that was random... :)

roswell, birthday, lj

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