Happy Memorial Day! For those who celeberate it. Otherwise, happy Monday!

May 26, 2003 17:10

I have accomplished very little today. Spent most of it watching all the cool marathons on TV. Saw a buncha JAG eps on USA, watched one or two movies on Cartoon Network (YAY Balto! And Balto 2. Sequels usually suck. This one? Not so much. It sorta followed the idea of how people crossed the Ice Bridge into Alaska... or... from Alaska, only it was wolves instead of Indian tribes. Quite cool, and it had cool music) and did a load or two or laundry. Go me!

We also had a sorta picnic. My dad grilled hamburgers, turkey burgers and hot dogs and my aunt and cousins came over with my Gramma and we ate outside. Gramma made strawberry cheese cake. It was nummy.

in other news, my brother Ben and my father are in the process of tearing off our front porch in order to start building on the new sunroom soonish. So, I'm sitting here hearing loud noises and different crashes coming from outside behind the computers and watching as more and more sunlight reaches in through the windows. It's... kinda weird. there has never been a whole lot of light coming from outside over here, and now suddenly... we have light... and... yeah. It's cool, but it's also weird.

On a totally different note, I finished the design for the Farscape Shippers shirt I was working on. Everything looks pretty good... except for the stick people. ::sighs:: But, my friend Emma was inspired to draw the pic after having read about in my journal yesterday, and she's way better at drawing Stick People then I am. So, I might just plagiarize her drawing. Or at least the stick people part of it. :) I also got an idea for another pic, one that would be easier to draw and quite simple, but with lots of inside jokes so other people not yet introduced to the wonderful world of the Farscape Shippers Institute might look at us funny. But, that's kinda the point, ain't it? :D

getting my artsy on, drawing, tv, food, family

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