(no subject)

May 11, 2013 20:30

I have seen Iron Man 3. And it was good. It was really really good. Fangirl Dreams remain firmly in place, possibly to the point where they are considered even more fangirly than before because NOT ONLY did we get to see Pepper being Awesome (yay!), but Jarvis totally kicked some ass as well (more yay!) and Tony laid off the assholery just enough to be fantastic but still totally Tony. And I wanted to hug him. A lot. And not just because RDJ has amazing shoulders.

If my finances allow, I am totally going to go see it again while it's in the theater, too, because yes.

Anyway, it turned into a bit of a family outing, too, so bonus getting to hang out with the 'rents since we haven't had a lot of opportunity to do so the last few weeks. After the film Dad took Mom and I out to dinner as well, so that was extra nice, AND I get leftovers out of the deal as well. All in all, a pretty great way to spend a Saturday afternoon.

iron man, awesomeness, movies, family

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