Five Things Darcy Loves About Working For SHIELD - The Bronx was up, the Battery was down and thank freaking Thor that SHIELD provided housing or Darcy suspected she wouldn't have been able to afford to live closer than Vermont.
(First Impressions Are) A Work In Progress - Tony has a point system for the times he can get Steve to be less than perfect.
Cold Remedies - Team-Avenger is currently split right down the middle: there are the three non-powered humans, currently doing their best not to accidentally cough up a lung; and there are the three powered-up humans-slash-Asgardians, doing their best not to die of smugness. Pretty much fluff if you ignore that half the team is miserable with germs.
Those Bad Days - The first time Bruce hulks out in the lab, it isn't Tony's fault, but fucked if he's going to let that stop him. Incredible (pun not intended, but entertaining enough that I won't change it. ;) ) Tony/Bruce friendship, and actually the first in the Tony And Bruce series
One Single Yesterday - SHIELD tasks Darcy Lewis with educating Steve Rogers about the pop culture of the last three decades. Probably this was a bad idea. Fluff. Literally. There are Furbies, ya'll.
As Little Fuss - Or, the Five Times Tony Stark Threw Money at a Problem, and the Five Times His Team Repaid Him. More fluff, with bonus teamy goodness.
but hey, you're all right - Yes, this is the story where the Winter Soldier is a Russian mail-order bride. Everything goes about as well as you'd expect.
Doctor Who/Avengers -
It Takes an Ocean Not to Break. When Nick Fury first approached her with the job offer, Martha Jones thought it was the just another step in the process of moving forward with her life. Unfortunately, the past has a nasty tendency to rear its head at the worst possible moments.
White Collar/Avengers -
The Consultants. "Which of our cases was similar to Iron Man and the Hulk wanting us to commit fraud for them?" Peter asked. "Because I have to tell you I'm racking my brain and nothing's coming to mind."