The last three? weekends in brief summary.

Apr 02, 2013 07:49

The picture of me in a dress yesterday was an April Fool's Joke meant soly to mess with my brother's (the one getting married) head, with the added bonus of making my friends who know me best look at me like I'm nuts. It was the most obnoxious one we could find at the dress shop on short notice, and I am told that it was a successful sibling weird-out, so WOOT, go me! ;)

In other news, I had a very nice weekend. I successfully managed to stay in my PJs all day on Saturday - something which, barring illness, I have not managed to do since I was in high school - and then on Sunday I headed to a friend's for a Movie Afternoon, which turned into a New Doctor Who marathon instead. I may have created a new convert. Bwahaha, I am evil.

Then LAST weekend (March 22-24) was also quite nice. Friday I got treated to an extremely tasty lunch in Wausau and then went dress shopping with my soon to be sister-in-law and her best friend in search of bridesmaid dresses. After trying on at least twenty dresses between two stores, we finally found one we all are very very happy with, and bonus, it is quite comfortable too. Friday night I slept rotten and then had to work a 6 hour shift at ShopKo the next morning, so that kind of sucked, but it was followed by another movie night where I was able to sleep through the whole thing, so that kind of made up for it.

And then the week BEFORE that (March 16-17), I had almost the whole weekend off (only had to sub for a co-worker in at the Y Saturday morning) and was able to drive down to Oshkosh to visit Beth. We had Olive Garden and went window shopping at some store that we had never been in before and Target. I found a self-filtering water bottle (Bobble!) and she found some nifty shoe balls. It was awesome and I'm glad we got the chance to catch up.

friends, movies, shopping, food, doctor who

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