Dec 16, 2012 17:25
Went home to spent time with the parents this morning and this afternoon. Dad helped me with my car - battery had a bit of corrosion on one of the connectors, and we got a new air filter to put in - and Mom fed me. Twice even! Scrambled eggs and toast for a late breakfast around 11, and then steak, green beans, and a baked potato around 3:30ish. It was very tasty.
We also watched the live action version of Disney's Jungle Book and parts of the football game while I took advantage of Dad's printer and worked on my grandmother's holiday present a bit more. I'm giving her a jar of memories, so I had my aunts and uncles send me fond memories of Gramma and Grampa growing up that I transfer to little quarter sheets of paper, fold up, and put into a jar. Going to give Gramma the jar full of physical memories whenever we have our holiday gathering - that way she can't lose them. Or, more to the point, the dementia/Alzheimer's she's been struggling with the last few years can't take them away from her; all she needs to do is reach into the jar, pick one out, and read it.
I also snuggled Buddy a bunch. He was very pleased with this particular action and ate up the attention like the two doggy treats I also gave him over the course of the afternoon/morning. ;)
Alas, however, I had to return so I could go to work tonight. 6-11, closing shift at ShopKo. Don't wanna. At least I got coffee from the parents before I left.