Castle - The Final Frontier

Nov 07, 2012 10:14

Watching Monday's Castle episode. I kept giving the guy who played Captain Max/Winters second and third glances because my brain was niggling at me with familiar-but-can't-place frustrations. Then it hit me... OH MY GOD, IT IS STARK FROM EUREKA!!! He plays an idiot incredibly well for someone who spent two (three?) years of his life playing the smartest man in the world, which I think is what threw me off so much. Well, maybe second smartest - I think Henry might've still won that title, he was just so gosh darned good ol' nice guy that he didn't tend to bring attention to the fact.

Otherwise, I just have too much nerdy glee for this episode to form a coherent episode review, I'm just enjoying the hell out of the ride.

spoilers, castle

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