(no subject)

Oct 02, 2012 23:21

Iced tea is the best drink ever. Why? Because it never goes flat, and if all your ice melts, it still tastes like tea. Which means that when I do the fast food thing and refill my tea just before I leave, and then I proceed to set it beside my bed/television/computer/etc and forget about it for however long, it still tastes exactly the same when I rediscover it. It's like SURPRISE TEA! Tea I didn't even know I had until I resurface from my latest internet surf-age/book/story hours later and think "Hey, I'm thirsty. OH, WAIT, I HAVE TEA AND IT IS JUST AS REFRESHING AS IT WAS THREE HOURS AGO!"

(this post brought to you by tea. And possibly sleep. Or more like the lack there of. I'm gonna go to bed now.)


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