(no subject)

Jul 07, 2010 13:45

Right, so today has decided to take forever to get through. I keep looking at my clock thinking at *least* an hour has got to have passed by now, right? When in fact it has only been twenty minutes. Ugh.

So, I'm taking a break from actual work-like stuff and putzing around online. I figure updating my LJ will at least kill a few minutes or so.

That said, my 4th of July weekend was pretty damned awesome! Started on Saturday afternoon when Vaidah, Jodie, Krissy, and Andrea picked me up from my place, and with the car stuffed to the gills full of people and other stuff, it was a bit of a snug two hours up to George, but totally awesome anyway because it was spent with awesome people! There was geeking and the whole car singing along to Glee's "Don't Stop Believing!" which I totally have on video because I am mean and evil like that. ;) Will upload it later with all the other pictures I took.

We arrived at the parking lot for Lilith Fair around 3:00, and we hadn't actually missed too much despite being late (I think it started at 2:30), so that was nice. There were several stages up, so we hit one of Jodie's favorite groups first, someone who I had never heard of but who were fun none the less. Next was another group I'd never heard of but who were also good. Jodie and Vai went to stand up in front of the stage while me, Andrea, and Krissy stayed in our shaded spot next to the stage. After that we found our way over to the big amphitheater area right on the river where the Big Names would be playing. There were two more groups I couldn't name if my life depended on it, but they did have several well known songs that I was familiar with, so that's something.

Next was Sheryl Crow, who was awesome and I totally got up and was dancing and grooving and telling everyone else "Dude, you all are so boring!" because they were all just lounging around on the sleeping bags and not dancing even though Sheryl was singing "All I Wanna Do Is Have Some Fun!" Spurred by my accusation, Jodie got up to join me, followed closely by the rest of them, and lo, we danced and had fun, as the song dictated!

Next was another group I don't know the name for, but who again had some familiar songs. Yeah, so I totally don't follow music, not even a little bit, but it was still awesome.

Then they showed us some clip from Cougar Town before Sarah McLachlan came on because ABC was doing a survey and wanted us to fill out whether or not we liked it. I ignored the clip and the survey, but Vai, Andrea, and Jodie just ignored the clip and instead wrote "SCREW COUGAR TOWN, BRING BACK LEGEND OF THE SEEKER!" on the survey. Ah, the joys of obsession.

At some point between Sheryl Crow and Cougar Town, the sun went down and the temperature dropped thirty degrees within two hours or so, and Krissy started hogging the sleeping bag we were sitting on because she had only wore shorts and a t-shirt, despite my reminding her at least three times via email that hey, yeah, the climate out here is basically only a step or two above the desert and BRING LONG SLEEVES FOR AFTER THE SUN GOES DOWN. Vaidah wasn't much better off, and I am totally never, ever letting them live it down.

That cheerful "I TOLD YOU SO" aside (you know I love you, you two. I also love being right. ;) ), Sarah McLachlan was on after Cougar Town, and she was also awesome. Possibly even beyond awesome, and she totally sung Possession, which made my day/night, and It Was Good. What was also good was the traditional Scaper Kitty Pile right there on the grass at the waaay back of the The Gorge Amphitheater, in which we were all snuggled together in an attempt to keep Krissy and Vaidah from freezing because of aforementioned lack of long sleeves.

Concert ended around midnight, when we followed the masses back to the parking lot, spent ten minutes arguing over where we left the car, and then we were on our way back to the Tri Cities within a half hour or so, which is kinda impressive in and of itself. Because Vai, Krissy, and Andrea were city folks, we also made it a point to stop randomly somewhere along to way to check out the kick-ass view of the night sky, blessedly light-pollution free thanks to the general lack of habitation in Eastern Washington. More with the Awesome.

Got back to the Tri Cities around 1:30 am and went in search of sustenance. Thankfully, there is a Sheri's not far from my house and, as a 24 hour diner (the Pacific Northwest's version of Perkin's or Denny's), they were open and they had good food available, yay! The next half hour or so was spent sitting around in various states of sleep deprivation and/or general loopiness while we munched our appetizers.

Got back to the house at 3 am, give or take a few minutes, where my lovely housemates already had both the futon and the sleeper couch in the living room all set up, so after a bit more discussion and preparation for bed, the five of us proceeded to crash like mad crashing things and were not aware again until 8:00ish later that morning. I, personally, was out like a light not long after my head hit the pillow. My internal clock still being on Central Standard Time, I usually wake up around 3:30 am (which is 5:30 back home, the time I usually wake up anyway, even if I do stay in bed for another two to four hours, depending on what I have to accomplish in the morning) and just stay in bed until I have to get up. This time? I was completely dead to the world until 7:30, waaaay past my normal wake up time, and I was still ungodly exhausted when I *did* drag myself out of bed by 8:30 because I wanted to see the girls off (They were planning on leaving by 10ish). But it was still worth it because it meant I got another few hours with everyone before they started the drive back to Portland, OR, and woe, then I was all alone again. Sadness.

Then I went back to bed. Because yes, I was Just That Tired. Who knew that sitting in the sun all day with thousands of other people listening to other people sing could be wear you out so much.

A nap and a shower brings us to around 3:00 in the afternoon on Sunday (July 4th/Independence Day), at which point I put on the TV for some mindless vegging (hurrah for the Star Wars Marathon on Spike TV) and was seriously at risk of dozing off again had Manda not called, and so we jabbered for an hour or two before her phone died and I was off to an 4th of July BBQ at one of my co-worker's house because he has an *awesome* view of the fireworks right on the river. I ate too much and managed to stay awake long enough to see the display (started at 10, was done by 10:30, but it was still pretty impressive) and then we hung around their place for another hour or so before heading back to our house by about 11:30ish. Then I did the computer thing briefly before I crashed again at around midnight and got all caught up with sleep and stuff.

Monday I had off, and I didn't do a damned thing. Well, that isn't true - I did vacuum my room, but otherwise? Nada. Spent the entire day reading or watching TV.

Oh, and did I mention I was PMSing big time the entire weekend? Which is probably why I was so damned tired, especially since Saturday was the heaviest day. Must love iron deficiency.

And... I think that is all, actually. So, hurrah! Not only have a killed almost an entire hour, but I also gave you all a nice long update to entertain you! (Not that I'm going to post it yet because this would be an update from the website, and the spell check on the website takes way too long to finish, so I'll post it when I get back on my own computer sometime tonight Posted it! Or at least made it public as of 5:08 pm Pacific)

friends, concert, awesomeness, lilith fair, july 4, day summary

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