May 05, 2010 16:51
So, the computers at work are down. I logged out for lunch yesterday and I haven't been able to log in since, and neither has anyone else from the Outlook Building. Which means I have had precisely squat to do for the last two days at work, and because I take the Van Bus rather than my own vehicle (it's about a 20 mile drive from here to Ice Harbor, so that is a 40 mile long trip. With gas at $3.05 a gallon over here? Yeah, not going to use my gas if there is another option) pretty much every day, that means I don't have the option of going home myself once it has been determined that the computers are still down.
I was able to waste half a day or so this morning driving around and finishing up my GPS stuff at Big Flat HMU. The GPS thing itself took a whopping 20 minutes, but knowing the computers were down, I basically just drove around the HMU taking pretty pictures as a way to kill time. Got back to Ice Harbor in time for about a half an hour of working on The Tree Drawing that I have been doing in my office in lue of not being able to do my actual job, and then we went over to the dam for a meeting at 11 and a spaghetti dinner at 11:30, so that killed an hour and a half. Then I spent another half hour or so drawing The Tree some more (it's turning into a regular old masterpiece, I tell you) before Beth, who also can't do her job, said "Wanna go with me to Big Flat to get some pictures of the graffiti in the bathroom? Just as something to do?" around 1:30, and I was all over that. We proceeded to spend the next hour or so driving around checking out the rest rooms at the HMUs between Ice Harbor Dam and Big Flat, just in case the Graffiti Artist decided to tag more then one toilet (it's the important things, right? He/She hadn't, by the way). We were also able to kill a bit of time driving the long way around the river, too, because the road across th dam is was closed today (something I found out the hard way, and yay, I was able to kill another half an hour because of it!)
So, yes. That has pretty much been the case at work the last two days, because without computers, I got nothing. Here's hoping the computers are up and working again by tomorrow because I really don't have anything else to do anymore.
getting my artsy on,
mechanical fail,
ice harbor,