(no subject)

Mar 19, 2010 22:30

Alrighty, so, the free wireless at the hotel here leaves quite a bit to be desired. I can get on in the early mornings (well, early for the rest of the Pacific Time Zone, that is - as far as my inner clock is concerned, it's actually pretty reasonable - it's still on Central Standard, and I'm hoping i can keep it that way since I work at 7:30 am starting Monday, which is 9:30 for me. Hurrah for jet leg! Kinda), but pretty much any other time during the day - *especially* evenings after people get home from work - it is very hit and miss, mostly on the "miss" side of the park.

Just letting you all know. I will be checking email and Facebook and stuff when I can, but that's probably only going to be once a day or so, and I probably won't be responding to comments or making any of my own quite so often, so woe for that. Might not be updating as often, either, for the same reason. My cell phone still works fine, though, so if you wanna call and jabber, I'd love to hear from you. :)

travel, arrgh, washington, internet

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