(no subject)

Oct 05, 2009 14:21

Today I treated myself just a little, since aside from food, I haven't really spent any money on myself in at least a month or two, and I have a bit of extra funding lying around thanks to helping Pat out (woman I kid-sat for summer 2008 and a bit last summer, too) last week and the week before.

So, I went to ShopKo, where they had a Buy-One-Get-One-Free special on the $9.99 DVDs - I got Ghost Rider and the Da Vinci Code - and then while I was standing in the check-out line, I saw a special-edition of TIME Magazine - Great Discoveries: Explorations That Changed History (I can't find the exact copy online, but here's a different cover/edition from Amazon.co.uk. It covers discoveries like Hale-Bop, the TITANIC, Machu Picchu, etc and I seriously could not resist.

End of the shopping trip? I had only spent about $25 - including tax - and since I went in there with the idea that maybe I would get myself a new pair of jeans or a nice shirt for a full price around $30, I think I did pretty darned well, especially considering the stuff I did pick up will probably get a lot of use, where as a nice shirt or sweater or something will probably just sit in my dresser until the next family gathering around Thanksgiving, and then it will be stuffed back into my dresser again until the next occasion.

In other news, I completely and totally bombed the Chem test we took on Friday, which is not at all surprising because I didn't study very well and I ended up running out of time to finish it. The good news is that if I manage to get my ass into gear and get better grades on the rest of the tests, the teacher is willing to toss this one out entirely and use the average of the rest of my test scores to replace this grade. I'm really hoping I'll be able to pull it off - I didn't think it was possible for me to have worse Senior-itice than I did last semester, but apparently I was wrong, so it might be an uphill battle either way. We shall see. ::crosses fingers and vows to study harder next time::

On that same note, we also have a test in Structural on Wednesday, which will be missing because of my doctors appointment and will therefore have to make it up Thursday morning. This test scares me. Kind of a lot. ::ducks head under covers to hide from the Trig::

test, chemistry, structural geology, shopping

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