(no subject)

Aug 08, 2009 08:59

I feel kinda zombieish. Big-ass storm pretty much kept the thunder rumbling (and on many occasions, cracking rather loudly) from about 2:00 am to 5:00 am, give or take, and since I didn't go to bed until about 12:30 and just about the time I was falling asleep, the storm rolled in, I didn't get much sleep last night. Then, of course, after the storm went on its way (it wasn't severe or anything, just really long with lots of lightning, and pretty much moving right over the top of us), it left behind 90% humidities that made my room too stuffy to sleep comfortably in, so there was lots of tossing and turning. Maybe got an hour of sleep around 6ish, but otherwise? Yeah, not so much.

In other news, helped Mandy paint her soon to be "room" in the basement last night, with the help of our soon to be third roommate. They talked about their boyfriends a lot while I only made the occasional comment from the peanut gallery seeing as I am boyfriend-less and don't really have any intentions of getting one unless one happens to fall in my lap with out any effort on my part.

And... yeah, that's about it. Hence the not updating since Wednesday.

And now I go find breakfast. Braaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaains... ::wanders off moaning with her arms straight out in front of her::

ETA 9:05 am
We're fresh out of brains, so I'm having a bowl of Life instead. The irony entertains me.

sleep deprived, painting

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