Justice League - An Unusual Mission

Aug 04, 2009 21:52

I have yet to see an episode of Justice League, but again, I couldn't really resist the idea of Batman/Wonder Woman, mostly because of The Pretty, as in my head Batman will forever be Christian Bale and Wonder Woman will forever be Linda Carter. A few months ago I read another Justice League story for similar reasons, and I discovered to my surprise that the paring *works*, and even makes a bit of sense. So, when I ran across this story, I couldn't resist.

An Unusual Mission by Adrian Tullberg. In which Bruce Wayne has completely and totally alienated every woman in Gotham and needs a date to some sort of charity ball to prove he isn't gay, so Diana/Wonder Woman takes pity on him. Freaking hilarious - I was literally laughing out loud several times. Also, Alfred is beyond awesome and gets almost all the good lines.

"Master Bruce, I have spent the last few days trying to 'fix you up', and all I have to show for it is repeated refusals, ringing ears ... and two tentative proposals for coffee on the weekend. Apparently, I'm quite the catch."

Trying to bring peace to Man's World was a trying, and emotionally draining task. At first she had thought it was an issue of re-educating the males of the world, an illusion shattered when she saw "Jerry Springer's Greatest Catfights". It was like putting out twenty wildfires while teaching a kindergarten full of pyromaniacs not to touch the matches.

The writing isn't perfect - flipping back and forth from POVs being the most obvious, and a few missing words here and there; you know, like the stuff someone who doesn't anal-retentively check over her writings at least 15 times before posting might otherwise miss - but not enough to really throw off the reader once you get used to it. And for me at least, not only is it Christian Bale and Linda Carter talking in my head, but the Green Lantern is *totally* Nathan Fillion as well, and that just makes the story all the more entertaining.

batman, fic recs, awesome, justice league

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