B-day Bowling Party of WIN!

Feb 01, 2009 18:57

First off, my friends are *awesome*. Everyone except two showed up for my party, and they both were ones who had to travel a bit farther. Color me surprised, though, when *20 people* showed up all together, 16 of which actually bowled. When I first set this thing up, I was only expecting 8, tops, to be able to make it, so I felt very very loved. Still not sure if it was me that drew people or the promise of smoke-free bowling, but I really don't care.

My friend were awesome, too, and got me presents even when I told them not to (Mandy got me THE SECRET GARDEN! I did, in fact, jump up and down and squee really loud when I opened that one), and I ended the afternoon with probably at least 40 dollars worth of gift cards ranging from Walgreen's to Barnes and Nobles, so I predict a book shopping spree in the near future. I also got a college care package full of handy stuff like notebooks and Ramen Noodles from the ladies at the our family church, so that was a nice surprise.

Even my bowling was pretty awesome compared to what it usually is (two games, first one with a score of 121 and second game with a 130), the food was awesome even though I ended up not having time to have my grease fest (only had two pieces of pizza and a few stolen cheese curds from Dustin) cause I was doing the mingle thing.

Almost all my friends showed except the two who had to drive a ways (I LOVE YOU EMMIES AND NIKOLE!), all of my immediate family except for one (BEN, YOU AND SHANA ALSO ROCK!), my grandmother and a friend of the family's from church, and even my cousin dropped by to say hi and give me a card even if she didn't stay long. I spent the entire afternoon surrounded by friends and family throwing heavy objects; I seriously could not have wished for a better 25th birthday party.

So, if I had to sum everything up with just a word? AWESOME!

(using this icon because 1 - it was an awesome explosion, 2 - it has "friends" in the text, and 3 - it is a good symbol of my EXPLOSION OF GLEE at awesomeness of the day. Therefor, this icon totally fits. Also, I only have six to choose from. :D)

friends, this is what i want to remember, awesomeness, party, bowling, birthday, family, fun, awesome, food

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