(no subject)

Jan 21, 2009 18:23

Roommate is siiiiick. She was coughing a good most of the night, and before that she was complaining about an upset stomach and a stuffy nose yesterday, and today - despite several attempts, including trying to get her to wake up with a loudish voice and prodding her in the leg - I haven't heard her move since 7:00 this morning. Of course, I was at school most of the day, so I suppose she could've gotten up when I was gone. However, she has been quiet enough since I got home that I actually did go and check for signs of life (made all the more challenging cause she has one of those elevated bunk-like beds and a giant rabbit hiding most of her upper body). I discovered that she is, in fact, breathing, so I feel better now. Now I just hope I don't end up catching whatever bug she's picked up. My luck being what it is, I don't have *much* hope on that front, but I'll take what I can get.

In other news, wow am I cold. Enough so that I am seriously considering going to take a very hot shower and use up all the hot water for the next 6 hours. And with Mandy being Mostly Dead, that would mean I wouldn't have to feel guilty for said Hot Water Usage. Hmmmmm... ::does the evil genius chin rub of plotting::

roommates, cold

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