Indiana Maren!

Jan 10, 2009 21:34

Said I would post pictures once my dad emailed them to me. Well, now he has, so you all get another Maren Pic Spam! And you can see the new haircut a bit better.

As I mentioned earlier, my parents and I were on the subject of jackets; Dad was showing off his new one, and I was complaining about how challenging it is to find Women's Jackets that fit my broad shoulders. Dad suggested I try a Men's Small instead of a Women's Large or XL. I tried on his new jacket to see if Men's Smalls actually did fit me, and somewhere along the way he had me put on his old bomber jacket - which is also a Men's Small. For the fun of it, I added my Dad's Indiana Jones hat since it was hanging practically right above my head as I was seeing how the jacket fit in the mirror, and lo, an Indiana Maren Pic Spam is born.

Me laughing in front of my dads gun rack.


Probably my favorite picture of the night. It looks like I'm in Deep Thought over Something. In reality, I am just trying to figure out which part of the hat is the "front".

Second favorite picture cause Nine is actually kinda looking toward the camera and I don't look dorky. I do, however, look a little fat cause I am bending over to scratch Nine's back. It works, though.

In which the Massively Slippery Driveway makes me fall on my ass, but the pose I land in totally looks like it was intentional.

Me and my mom in front of a rising full moon.

Very rarely will I actually let my dad go camera crazy with me as his model cause I hate posed pictures, so it was a kind of momentous occasion. It helped that he really only had me pose for a few of them - the rest were taken kind of randomly. It was fun. Too bad I would probably never wear his jacket on a regular basis - it's a really nice jacket, and it's kinda a shame that it's sitting in a closet not being worn.

pictures, pic spam, me, parents

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