Girls Night In - Update!

Dec 27, 2008 13:26

Wow... Mother Nature is still PMSing but good. Temperatures have dropped almost 15 degrees since this morning (but then went back up slightly, so that's something I suppose) and our driveway and road are nothing but a slushy, soggy, soon-to-be-icy mess. I'm still hoping for a travel window to open up tomorrow afternoon so I can get back to Point for the Girls Night In. *However*, in case that does not happen, I want to let all you interested parties know that Girls Night In is still a GO! I have my computer with me, and my parents have wireless, so the internet thing shouldn't be a problem. However, I didn't have enough space to pack all three of the movies in my overnight bag, so Serenity is the only one I have with me at the moment. I still plan on doing the chat no matter what movies are being watched, however, but Serenity is the one I'll have handy.

Also, because I'm at my parents house, I do have a few more DVD options. I have no idea if anyone else has these, but I figured I would list them none the less just in case.

On DVD, so I can borrow them if I do manage to get home tomorrow
Coyote Ugly
Ice Age
Ice Age: The Meltdown
Journey to the Center of the Earth (the newest one)

On the DVR, so I cannot take them with me
The Pink Panther (from 2006, the one with Steve Martin - have not seen this one)
The Brave One (from 2007 with Jodie Foster - I have also not seen this one, so I have no idea how good it is)

So, there you go. Whether I manage to get back to Point tomorrow or not, there will still be Chattage, cause dammit, I miss you all.

Oh, yeah... I suppose I could mention that I also have the Doctor Who Christmas Special downloaded, so if anyone is in a Who mood instead of a Movie mood, I don't think it would be too difficult to put that one up for grabs, either. I haven't tried it yet, but you should be able to watch it online here: (link courtesy of my good friend Dan - thanks, Dan!)

Also, if you all don't mind, I might invite Dustin and Dan in, too, cause they're both pretty big Firefly fans. Also, they are bored, and I figure the more the merrier. And I've warned them on how dirty minded we can get. ;)

weather, home, holiday, girls night in, winter, doctor who

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