Okay, so Holiday Fever has officially bit me in the butt. Enough so that went and re-read the SGA Fluffy Fic I recced a few months ago, and then I went and looked for all of the holiday stories I had recced in the past, and then I did a Google search for "holiday + fic + fluff", which didn't give me much, so then I went through the first half dozen websites listed in my "Fic Pages" folder and did a CTRL > F(ind) for "christmas" and clicked on whatever stories there were listed for any fandoms I had even an iota of knowledge about. And now I'm going to share the good ones with you all.
Kim Possible
It's Not About the Shopping - Ron tries to get Kim the perfect Christmas gift
Stargate SG1
Faithful Friends Who Are Dear To Us - The gang is all together for Christmas; family, friends, and a few new faces. The bit about Prometheus is a little bitter-sweet (though I love that the author remembered her), but still extremely heart-warming and just the kind of holiday fic I was looking for.
ETA December 2010 - sadly, it appears that Azar's site has been reset or is under construction and the story is no longer available. It is, however, available in the WayBackMachine here
http://replay.waybackmachine.org/20080609020348/http://azar.ink-and-quill.com/ficsg1.php?faithful SGA
Be My Homeward Dove - Not exactly holiday, but it does involve skiing and curling up together in front of a fire. Warm and Fuzzy like woah.
Scrubs/SGA -
My Space Adventure - The Scrubs cast on Atlantis. Not really holiday, but extremely fun.
My Holiday Musical - The Christmas Episode that was never recorded. Seriously one of my favorite holiday fics of all time
Harry Potter
(Marauder years) -
Dear Santa... - a Mad Lib filled out by Padfoot. Super short, but it has a few good lines.
A Certain Light - Neville's Christmases, past and present. Not exactly fluffy (the first two are if you ignore the knowledge of what will eventually happen to his parents, which is really really hard but worth it), but beautiful none the less. Also, the world needs more Neville fic.
Tradition! - Winchester family tradition.
Due South
Away - Ray's Christmas Tree, and where it takes him. Total fluff, and about an 8 on the Warm And Fuzzy scale.
Dresden Files
The Magic of the Season - Brotherly love. And no, not of the porny variety. Also, anything that ends in a snowball fight (or at least hints at a snowball fight in the near future) is good on my scale. Book Universe
Auld Lang Syne - Okay, so this one really isn't fluff, but it is totally Holiday. It was one of my Yuletide 2007 recs, and what it lacks in fluff (though there is a bit of that, too) it totally makes up for in Holiday Intrigue and Action. TV series universe
Northern Exposure
Merry Christmas, Dr. Felischman - the people of Cicely want to give Joel something special for Christmas/Hanukkah. I'm thinking this one might qualify as a 8.5 or even a 9 on the Warm And Fuzzy scale.
Christmas Morning Surprise - Not really fluff, but definitely amusing.
Consecration, which is another holiday fic I recced a few months ago. 8 on the Warm And Fuzzy scale, but the only thing that keeps it from being a perfect 10 is the slightly angsty beginning.
Doctor Who (10)
The Gift of the Mad Guy by
sam-storyteller. A quirky twist on the birth of a King, taking place several thousand years in the future.
Lastly, my All Time Favorite Holiday Story (and probably everyone else's favorite, too, or at least those at all familiar with the show or the movie)
Brimstone/Dogma -
Nativity, which I have no idea how to summarize except for a very vocal and adamant AWESOME!!!
I think that's enough for now. I hope you all find something you like!
ETA 2013: Why didn't I think of this before?
This post is officially going to be my Holiday Fluff Zone. I'm going to add stories to it that are fitting for the season, whensoever that may be.
Christkindlfuckup by Sam Storyteller.
Ghosts of Christmas Memory by scifigirl. The end is super fuffy! (two words: tinsel cannon) The first two a little less fluff and more Op Gone Wrong, but they still have their moments.
I Saw Steve Punching Santa Claus by Selenay. "I didn't hire you," Phil corrected as he closed his office door and followed Darcy down the corridor. "You are my penance for some terrible mistake I haven't identified yet."
Ghosts of Christmas Memory by scifigirl. No exactly fluffy, but it does have some lovely Phil/Clint heartwarming moments. It's also part of the Toasterverse. Nuff said.
The First Annual Avengers Ugly Christmas Sweater Party by victioria_p/musesfool. I haven't read this one yet, but I am sure I'll love it because it is holiday fluff by one of my favorite authors. I see no bad here.
Over the River and Through the Woods by scifigrl47. Part of the Toaster Verse, Clint finds himself unexpectedly spending the holiday with Phil's crazy, awesome family. Little bit of angst (Clint doesn't have the fondest memories of Christmas for obvious reasons), but mostly fluff. And cookies. And Chia Pets. Because yes.
The Long Road Begins at Home by owlet. Part of the Infinite Coffee and Protection Detail. Not technically a Holiday fic as a whole, but chapters 3 through 7 are pretty much all Thanksgiving and Christmas warm fuzzies.
Long Family Tradition by Bodldops
Star Trek Reboot
Lazarus by Ceres_Libera. We haven't actually read this one (yet), but it is set in the Switch universe, which is that Long And Plotty Kirk/McCoy, BFF with crazy UST (and love. Always, always love, with or without crazy UST) until it finally becomes RST. Also, Bone's Grams. Bone's Grams is awesome.
Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy