Title: Ballad of the Moon
Pairing: Jaemin, Yoomin
Length: Chapter 10/?
Genre: fantasy, adventure, angst,drama
Disclaimer: idea based on goose-girl fairy tale ~
Summary: Changmin has no control over his life as he's forced to leave his home to become the escort of the Crown Prince in a faraway land. Before he can even reach his destination, he's
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eventhough there's no Jaemin or whatsoever.....
the Yoomin at the end where Yoochun said Changmin's name made me smile...:))
love this all ...
muahaha though i'm kinda mad at Chunnie for caring about his wellbeing only...:((
"when he was running away from the socerrer that is.."
but i guess it's your defence mechanism...
and couldn't even really symphatise with Junsu for the threat thrown to him remembering how he treated uri Minnie...:((
owh...owh...i've throught of a plot....can i??
dun worrie, chunnie can still redeem himself cuz its only the second time they met ^^ tho urright, just defense kicking in ~
omona did u really think of one already??? i'd love love to hear ur ideaaaa O_O! *gimme gimme* kekeke
main menu for today?
scorched duck??
omo i sound absolutely crazy....huhu...
and Chunnie i guess i'll let you off this once...
but you better be extra lovely to Changminnie later...
"insert evil glare...with my Minnie covered shades up..."
omo ...om really??
but actually i kinda saw this idea in a tumbler but would really like to read of the ending :(("
hohoh now i need to get the yoomin love going and u can forgive him faster :)
oh really? whats that idea anyway? :P
"both the butt and duck...muahahah.."
owh please so that i can drown myself in the yoomin love while waiting for our Jaemin to really peak....
owh it's about one of them being a diplomat's son and the other his bodyguard...
being a Jaemin fan o'course...it's Jae the bodyguard... and Changmin the shy , timid and bullied diplomat son.."and with this it's already different from the ori verse..."
it can be that noone knows that he is the diplomat's son and bullied him cause he is kinda weirdly cute....hehe..."bias"
and Jae as his bodyguard could maybe pose as a fellow student...maybe those goth kids just so he could protect Changmin...
>>anyway this storyline now is officially different from the one in tumbler ....cause..
1. jae was supppose to be the problematic child of the diplomat
2.and seme Min
3. the tumbler was only consisting a sentence saying of their character and that's all...
so...please..."puppy eyes.."
i'm not sure it sent itself or not...:((
huhu me and my technoe blindness...:((
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